Human health and wellbeing

As for any other technology, actual or perceived social impacts are also associated to wind farm implementation. Effects on human health and wellbeing are among them and are usually related to noise, shadow flickers, operational risk such as ice fall, ice throw; fire; and exposure to electromagnetic field.

People’s concerns are frequently derived from lack of correct information on wind energy, which is often quite difficult to access to. When perceived health impacts exceed real health hazards, supporting communities in getting familiar with the technology may help to foster a more pragmatic attitude. Demo sites or educational facilities within the community territory can provide the necessary response to these concerns. See best practice (link Multi-measure approach).

The WinWind project on the one hand recommends transparency (link to page) to policy makers and market actors as a basis for dealing with such issues and on the other one urges the public to crosscheck information and their sources.

Find out more

The WinWind project analysed the most widespread social acceptance barriers to wind plant deployment, including effects on health and human wellbeing. Here below further readings:

On social acceptance concept and related issues
Taxonomy of social acceptance drivers and barriers. pages 13, 20, 29;

Health and wellbeing related concerns of wind energy plant in literature
Link: Deliverable 2.1. pp 31 pag 11, pagg. 31-35