Job market

Employment opportunities may often be included as relevant criteria in wind energy project assessment, so developers are strongly recommended to make sure that as many jobs as possible are created for the local wind manufacturing and supply chain. In the long run, that will greatly help the process of social acceptance.

During construction, usually large number peoples are employed, especially when local firms are carrying out the planned works. However, once the construction phase has been completed the number of jobs available will be much more limited, although higher specialized skills will be required.

Training should be provided so that local people may be able to work in the wind farm and develop specialized competence.


  • Unskilled local personnel


  • local employment support measures
  • available local manpower
  • trust and social acceptance

Find out more

The WinWind project highlighted the role of local employment in fostering social acceptance.
Here below further readings:

Findings, policy suggestions and examples in 10 Best Practices
Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of Best Practice Case Studies for Promoting the Social Acceptance pag 63-64,66

WinWind has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº 764717. The sole responsibility for any errors or omissions made lies with the consortium. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is also not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein
